Sprinkle tops of frosted cupcakes with sprinkles. Other candy toppings might include:
Crushed peppermint
Candy-coated chocolates
Mini chocolate chips
Jelly Beans
Candy Corn
Conversation hearts
Cake decorating shops or craft stores sell many cupcake picks or premade sugar decorations
that are fun, colorful, easy and perfect for a variety of themes.
Roll packaged, prepared fondant on a board lightly coated with cornstarch. Cut fondant into
rounds to cover the cupcakes or be creative and cut a variety of shapes using small cookie
cutters. For example:
Cut flower petals, or a flower by cutting a ruffled round. Add green stems or leaves, as
Frost cupcakes pink or blue. Cut fondant in the shape of tiny feet or baby bottles and
arrange on top of cupcakes for a baby shower.
Cut fondant with small alphabet cutters to decorate with initials, names or holiday
Cut tiny triangles from dark colored fondant and arrange as a Jack-o’-lantern face.
Arrange cupcakes on a cake pedestal. Better yet, stack two cake pedestals and fill each with
cupcakes. If you don’t have a cake pedestal, place a serving plate on a small bowl, a tin or
a box to make height.
Frosted cupcakes are fun to arrange into a special shape or display. For example:
Line 16 cupcakes, all frosted in pink, in a wavy line to resemble a caterpillar. Use small
strips of licorice as legs and antenna. Add small candy eyes.
Arrange 16 cupcakes in a rectangle to resemble a flag. Frost in red, white or blue, as
needed to create a flag. Cover those in blue with star-shaped sprinkles for the stars.
Arrange 14 to 16 cupcakes to make a bumble bee or butterfly. Set four cupcakes in
a straight row for the body and arrange four or five cupcakes on each side as wing.
Frost with yellow with black accents for a bee or frost with pink for a butterfly.
Gummy or Jelly candies
Chocolate stars
Decorating or dusting sugar
Toasted chopped nuts
Toasted coconut