Error Messages
Under certain conditions, multiple error/alarm conditions may exist . If alarms keep appearing, identify the message
and keep taking corrective action until all messages cease .
Error Message
Error Description
Possible Faults and Corrections
Code Error
Xram Error
Back-up Error
Back-up Recovered
Microprocessor program error, RAM
error, EEPROM error or EEPROM
back-up error . An internal hardware
problem exists . This is NOT
user programmable
If errors are intermittent but persistent, there may be a hardware
problem on the CPU board . A
System Reset
may recover functional
memory . If not, call the factory .
No Sensor Signal
Sensor errors caused by RTD circuit,
sensor tubes resonance error
(frequency out of programmed
limits or no detector signal(s)
from sensor) .
Common causes are open/
shorted sensor coils, sensor wiring,
defective interface or driver
cards or incorrectly programmed
frequency limits .
No feedback from the sensing coils (
are less than
19 mV) . The problem could be a bad drive coil, sensor wiring or
defective driver or interface card .
Sensor Warning
Driver set point error . Sensor voltage outside of driver set point
) by ± 5% .
Resonance Error
Tube resonance limits (70…200 Hz) are being exceeded . Sensor
operating frequency exceeds
or is less than
Temp . Error
Temperature (RTD) measurement error . Problem could be sensor
wiring, control/relay card problem or processor (CPU) card .
HW Limit IOut1
HW Limit IOut2
HW Limit IOut3
HW Limit on Freq .
Hardware limits exceeded on
output channels, or attempt to zero
the unit with flow present . These
items are not user programmable,
as they are functions of
the hardware .
The computed output exceeds hardware limits . For example, if the
HW limits on Freq analog channels are set to
0…20 mA and the channel is scaled to 0…100 lb/min on current
channel two, if the flow is 105 lb/min, the computed output will
exceed the programmed limit . In this case,
HW Limit IOut2
be displayed .
IOut1 High/Low Limit
IOut2 High/Low Limit
IOut3 High/Low Limit
Freq High/Low Limit
Software limits (set points) on
the analog and frequency output
channels are being exceeded .
The computed output is below the programmed low limit or above
the programmed high limit . For Example, if the upper span of the
frequency was set to 1000 Hz at 1000 lb/min and the low end was
1015 lb/min the “Freq . High Limit” alarm would be displayed . If the
flow was 90 lb/min, the “Freq . Low Limit” would be displayed .
Cntr . High/Low Limit
PID output limits are
being exceeded .
The computed output of the PID is greater than 100% (high alarm)
or under 0% (low alarm) .
Answer Error
Master/slave communication error
on the serial communications
port . These types of errors are
only associated with serial
communications . These errors
would normally indicate a
hardware or software failure in the
host device .
The “master” unit transmitted to the “slave” unit, but received a
message with an error in transmission or no answer was given .
Master Time-Out
The “master” unit transmitted to the “slave” unit, but received no
reply .
Master Duplex
The “master” unit transmitted to the “slave” unit, but received a
reply before it was ready .
Communication errors on the
serial port . Serial port alarms turn
on Opto #1, but are NOT user
programmable . These alarms
normally indicate a hardware
problem in an external device .
A message was received in transmitting .
An error in the command field .
An error in the ID field .
COM-Bad Unit
An error in the units field .
COM-Long Message
The received message was too long .
COM-Short Message
The received message was too short .
COM-Bad Conv
The floating point conversion was incorrectly formatted .
COM-Bad Overrun
The character buffer over-ran or the baud rate may be wrong .
Make sure connection, baud rates and addresses are correct .
High/Low Flow
High/Low Total
High/Low Density
High/Low Batch
High/Low Temperature
High/Low Alarm Limit
High and low limits for user defined
alarms have been exceeded .
These alarms are user programmable with Opto #2 becoming
active . The user may set the level(s) of data that would trigger the
high or low alarm . For example, a batch alarm could be “tied” to
the current batch amount,
, such that if a batch set point,
exceeding a receiving tanks capacity was entered, Opto #2 would
activate (after
was exceeded highlighting the
potential problem) .
Zero Flow Error
The zero offset exceeds the low
flow cutoff .
Make sure the sensor is full of fluid and that there is no flow . Set
to 5% . Try to zero the meter again . Reset
to 1% after a
successful zero .
Table 2: Error messages
Page 37
April 2019