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Model M-2000 Mag Meter
Communication: Port Settings
Stop Bits
[1 Stop Bit]
This parameter configures the port stop bits. The following stop bits are supported:
• 1 Stop Bit
• 2 Stop Bits
To change the stop bits, follow these steps from the
Port A Settings menu
1. Select
Stop Bits
to view the Stop Bits display.
2. Select one of the following:
1 Stop Bit
, or
2 Stop Bits
3. Press
to save the option and to return to the Port A Settings menu.
Communication: Diagnostics
Port Counters
Port counters are used for diagnostics when configured for Modbus RTU. These counters are only cleared
on power up.
Pkts Processed Number of packets processed by meter.
Broadcast Pkts Number of broadcast packets (address = 0) processed by meter.
CRC Errors
Number of received packets with CRC error; packet is discarded.
Pkts Rcvd
Number of packets received with an address of the configured port address.
Pkts Sent
Number of packets transmitted in response to a received packet.
Parity Errors
Number of characters with parity errors (
received character has a mismatch
between the number of 1s and its parity bit); packet is discarded.
Framing Errors Number of characters with framing errors (
missing stop bit is not found –
indicates that synchronization with the start bit has been lost and that the character
is improperly framed); packet is discarded.
Overrun Errors Number of characters received that were not processed due to degradation of
system performance.
Break Detects
Number of detections that transmission line is locked (
receive line is low for
10-bit transmissions following a missing stop bit).