Even with the battery locked in and turned off, the bike should be locked
using a high quality bike lock.
As previously mentioned in this manual, the
key is used to lock the battery into the battery
cradle. Turn the key clockwise to lock and
counter clockwise to unlock the battery from
its cradle. When the battery is unlocked, it can
be removed from the cradle for charging.
The battery charging plug is on one side of the
battery and the On button and key hole are on
the other side of the battery (shown in these
Take one of the keys off the key chain before
you’re finished and store it in a safe place. The
keys are coded so if you loose both you will
have to ship your battery back to us to have
the barrel replaced (not ideal!).
The battery should never be ridden or turned
On without being locked into the rack. It
should also never be dropped or treated
If your battery is returned to us and has signs
of being dropped, this will void the warranty.
Turning Your Bike On/Off
Once your bike and conversion kit have been
properly assembled and wired you will obviously
want to turn it on and ride! Ensure the battery is sufficiently charged and locked in, then
press the Power button (it will stay in and glow blue). Next, hold down the Power button on
the control on your handlebar until the display turns on. Now you are free to ride!
To turn off hold down the Power button on the control on your handle bars until the display
turns off, then press the Power button on the battery. It will release and the blue light will
turn off.