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Table 5-1. Corrective Action for SAC Error Codes
Corrective Action
Loss of
Poor or open
cable connection.
Check cable connections.
For termination units:
1. Verify that the station cable connects P1 on the
station to P2 or P3 on the TCS termination unit.
2. Verify that the module termination cable con-
nects P3 on the controller or processor module to
P1 on the TCS termination unit.
For termination modules:
1. Verify that station cable is correctly connected
from P1 to either the J2 socket of the ICS termina-
tion module or to the AO1 or AO2 connector of the
KTD cable that connects to the P1 connector of
the IDS termination module.
2. If the ICS/IDS termination module pair is used,
insure that a ribbon cable is connected between
the J1 socket on each termination module.
3. Verify that the module cable connects P3 to P1
connector on the ICS termination module
Bad module.
Check the status of the module.
Refer to the module product instruction for informa-
tion about module status LEDs and corrective
Bad function code
Check function code 80 configuration within the
module. Insure baud rate of station and module
Station address
Invalid address
selected for a sta-
tion operating with
a 5-kbaud serial
Remove the SAC station that shows the error code
and check its address (S1). The address must be 0
through 7.
E03, E04, E05
and E06
Analog input
low or high.
Bad field device
or wiring.
Repair field device or wiring.
Bad termination
device or cable.
Remove the SAC station with the error and replace
it with a known good station.
Bad station.
Remove the SAC station with the error and replace
it with a known good station.
E07 with sta-
tion in normal
Analog output
Fault in SAC sta-
tion circuitry.
Remove the SAC station with the E07 error and
replace it with a known good station.
E07 with SAC
station in
forced bypass
Analog output
Load removed
from AO, bad CIS
module, bad
cable connection
to termination.
Restore control of the process.
1. Check the load to see if it is open from the con-
trol loop. If it is open, the process is not being con-
trolled. Reconnect the AO to the load.