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The reliability of any stand-alone product or control system is
affected by the maintenance of the equipment. Bailey Controls
Company recommends that all equipment users practice a pre-
ventive maintenance program that will keep the equipment
operating at an optimum level.
This section presents procedures that can be performed
on-site. These preventive maintenance procedures should be
used as guidelines to assist you in establishing good preventive
maintenance practices. Select the minimum steps required to
meet the cleaning needs of your system.
Personnel performing preventive maintenance should meet the
following qualifications:
Personnel should be qualified electrical technicians or engi-
neers that know the proper use of test equipment.
Personnel should be familiar with the IISAC01 Analog Con-
trol Station (SAC), have experience working with process
control systems, and know what precautions to take when
working on live AC systems.
is the preventive maintenance schedule for the SAC
station. The table lists the preventive maintenance tasks in
groups according to their specified maintenance interval. Some
tasks in Table
are self explanatory. Instructions for tasks
that require further explanation are covered under
NOTE: The preventive maintenance schedule is for general pur-
poses only. Your application may require special attention.
Wear eye protection whenever working with cleaning solvents.
When removing solvents from printed circuit boards using
compressed air, injury to the eyes could result from splashing
solvent as it is blown off the printed circuit board.
Portez toujours des lunettes de protection lorsque vous uti-
lisez des solvants de nettoyage. L'air comprimé servant à
enlever le solvant des cartes de circuits imprimés provoque
des éclaboussures qui risquent d'atteindre les yeux.