Template 40941_J 04-02-10
56129-02/56130-02_97_B 04-16-12
Manufactured under one or more of these patents. U.S. Patents: 5332944, 5361215, 5550753, 5559720, 5,883,459, 6253227, 6282370, 6590188, 6976052, 6965815, 7030343, 7,417,834 b2,
Canadian Patent: 2342614, Australian patent: 2373248 other patents both foreign and domestic applied for and pending. All material copyright of Balboa Water Group.
Confi guration Options
General Features
Feature Default
Pump 1 in Filter Cycle (Circ Only)
Yes, No
Pump 1 Low Timer
30 Minutes
Between 5 and 240 minutes
1 Minute
General Pump Timer
15 Minutes
Between 5 and 60 minutes
1 Minute
Blower Timer
15 Minutes
Between 5 and 60 minutes
1 Minute
Mister Timer
15 Minutes
Between 5 and 60 minutes
1 Minute
Light Timer
240 Minutes
Between 5 and 240 minutes
1 Minute
Like P1 Low
See Circ Pump Note
Circ Pump can be set with the following functions:
24 hr – 24 hr w/3° shutoff – Acts like P1 Low (fi lters, polls, etc. - Requires a single-speed P1)
Cleanup Cycle
30 Minutes
Between 30 and 240 minutes
30 Minutes
- or OFF
Cleaup as Preference setting
With Heater Pump*
Always, Filters/Cleanup Only
Ozone Suppression
Between 30 and 120 min.
1 Minute
- or OFF
Pump Purge
60 Seconds
Between 30 and 600 seconds
5 Seconds
Blower Purge
30 Seconds
Between 5 and 300 seconds
5 Seconds
Mister Purge
5 Seconds
Between 5 and 300 seconds
5 Seconds
Blue Indicates New Custom Confi guration Default (Setup 1)
* The Heater Pump can be either a Circ Pump or Pump 1 Low.
Options Increment
Yes, No
Between 5 and 240 minutes
1 Minute
Between 5 and 60 minutes
1 Minute
Between 5 and 60 minutes
1 Minute
Between 5 and 60 minutes
1 Minute
Between 5 and 240 minutes
1 Minute
See Circ Pump Note
Between 30 and 240 minutes
30 Minutes
- or OFF
Yes, No
Always, Filters/Cleanup Only
Between 30 and 120 min.
1 Minute
- or OFF
Between 30 and 600 seconds
5 Seconds
Between 5 and 300 seconds 5
Between 5 and 300 seconds 5
Circ Pump can be set with the following functions:
24 hr – 24 hr w/3° shutoff – Acts like P1 Low (fi lters, polls, etc. - Requires a single-speed P1)