Synergy – Tank Surveillance Module 3110-021
Balcrank Corporation, Inc.
If the diode
is flashing the module is operational and working properly. A steady light or completely off
indicates a problem.
DIL switches for termination and BIAS are located at
For a stand-alone TSM all four should be in
Shows the position of the replaceable communication driver. The
jumper at position
has no function for a TSM.
shows if an analogue sensor is detected or not, lit if detected. The analogue sensors are
connected to the 2-pole connectors marked
. The polarity is marked on the PCB.
6. To connect discrete level sensors 23 132/138/171 and solenoid valves
The examples in this chapter are primarily intended for 23430 in stand-alone use so no configuration of the TSM is
needed. If the TSM is used together with a Synergy system see also TCM (23408) manual.
6.1. Fresh oil tank, 23138 (2-Levels)
To achieve a proper function, that is the pump is on only if there is enough oil in the tank, the following
connection should be made. Sensor must be active closed.
6.2. Fresh oil tank, 23171 (1-Level)
To achieve a proper function, that is the pump is on only if there is enough oil in the tank, the following
connection should be made. Sensor must be active closed. To achieve this remove the lower clip on the
sensor and turn the floater upside-down and put the clip back. Verify the function and trim it by moving the
clips if necessary. The floater is a little conic and the small diameter should then be down.