4 / 18
raPiD gUiDe TO PrOgramming THe
eTamaTiC aPParaTUs WiTH THe“OPeraTing
UniT” (UP DaTe 14 feb.08)
Connect the “Operating unit" version 1.08 keyboard to the
ETAMATIC OEM apparatus with the cable supplied. If your keyboard
has version 3.01, press the following keys in order:
---11----( Ja)-----f3-----
The keyboard display will read “STATUS”
Function of the keys in “status” mode
Press keys in “status” mode to obtain the following
F2 = burner operation hours
F3 = manual (to change load using keys 2-3)
F4 = flame quality (%)
F1 = to go back to “status” or release the burner
2-3 = to display the last 10 shutdown codes
Function of keys in “level 1” mode, access with password “0000”
F2 -F3 = PARM: parameters
curve regulation (enabled only if parameter
896= 1)
AUTO: automatic
EINS: calibration of curve points
SPLO: deletes existing curve
17 -16 = S t a t u s : d i s p l a y s b u r n e r / l o a d m o d e
( u s e k e y s 2 - 3 t o c h a n g e l o a d )
val. set: calibration (use the keys corresponding
to the channel you want to change, from 2 to 9)
actual rit.: displays actual value of the channels in digits
setpo rit.: displays set-point value of the channels in digit
Dig. Input: digital inputs (digital command input
Use the blue keys listed below to change the digits corresponding
to each channel used; odd-numbered keys increase value, even-
numbered keys decrease value.
2-3 = CH1: channel 1 (INVERTER)
4-5 = CH2: channel 2 (HEAD) (OIL, for combination burners)
6-7 = CH3: channel 3 (FUEL)
8-9 = CH4: channel 4 (AIR)
List of main Etamatic parameters (refer to the
specific Etamatic manual for a complete list)
Parameter > Correction
CH1=400 (if the inverter is used for correction) corresponds to
parameter P 517
CH4=100 (if the air servomotor is used for correction) corresponds
to parameter P 517
Parameter > Only enabled
press Ctrl and F1 at the same time to view the meaning of
software parameters
517= 100 (correction field) for final adjustment, see TK mode
718= 200 internal regulator; 500 for 3 points adjustment,
0 for 4-20 mA signal
758= Post-ventilation (0= off; max 1,000 seconds)
774 = pilot (0= off; 1= on)
775 = pilot (0= off; 1= on)
780= pilot time
783= flame stabilization time
787= maintenence mode (1= to adjust pilot)
790= load regulator (0= off; 1= on; 2= with external probe) note: in
“calibration” mode it is automatically turned off
791= cold start set point (temperature or pressure value at boiler
exit); 0= no function
792= 200 start-up power (load at which the burner functions with
cold start); 0= no function
793= start-up time (max) time it takes to go from start-up power (P
792) to maximum power (sec); 0= no function
796= set point (contact open between 50 and 24) temperature or
pressure value at boiler exit
797= set point with external probe (see P 800 and P 801)
798= 2nd set point (contact closed between 50 and 24) example:
reduction at night
799= 2nd set point (contact closed between 50 and 24) example:
reduction at night (with outdoor temperature probe only)
800= maximum outdoor temperature °C
801= minimum outdoor temperature °C
802= ignition point (difference from set-point P 796) if P 796= 70
and 802= 5 the burner will be ignited at 65°C
803= temperature difference for minimum command (if P 796= 70
and 803= 10 the burner will drop to minimum at 80°C)
804= off point (difference from set-point); if P 796=70 and 804= 15
reach 85°C the burner will go off. (804>803)
805= P (proportional band) 100
806= I (integral time) 60
807= D (derivative time) 100
809= unit of measurement of the load regulator (0= digit; 1= °C;
2= bar) if you want to measure pressure with a decimal
point, for set point 12.5 bar, parameter P 796= 125. In a low
pressure boiler, use two decimal points, for a set point of 1 bar,
parameter P 796= 100 . With P 809= 2 , adjust parameters
P 810 and P 811
810= minimum probe pressure corresponding to 4 mA (Active only
with P 809= 0 or 2) normally= 0
811= maximum probe pressure corresponding to 20 mA (Active
only with P 809= 0 or 2) For one decimal point, add a 0 to
the maximum value of the probe in bars (for example, for a
0-16 bar probe, set parameter P 811= 160) (for two decimal
points and a 0-10 bar probe, P 811= 999)
833= language (1= English; 4= Italian)
896= O2 regulator (0= off; 1= on; 3= off with O2 display only)
939= 200 (defines the load at which O2 correction begins, 200=