1676-002 en/2022-05
perature can rise to over 120 °C due to the energy input of the
ultrasound. This can lead to fires and severe burns.
• Do not use combustible, explosive, non-aqueous liquids (e.g.
petrol, solvents) or mixtures with combustible liquids (e.g. alco-
holic solutions) directly in the stainless steel oscillating tank.
• Small quantities of flammable liquids in sample containers can
be sonicated indirectly. Before sonication of flammable liquids,
familiarise yourself with the necessary safety measures and
applicable regulations for handling these liquids.
2.8 Danger due to ultrasound
The strong ultrasound in the ultrasound bath destroys cell struc-
tures. If a body part is immersed in the sonication fluid during oper-
ation, this can lead not just to skin damage, but also to internal
tissue damage. On fingers, the periosteum can become damaged.
• Do not touch the sonication fluid during operation.
• Never sonicate living beings.