1676-002 en/2022-05
2.9 Danger due to preparations used
Preparations used in the ultrasound bath may be toxic or corrosive.
They can irritate the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Vapours
and aerosols can also be dangerous.
• Wear gloves and safety goggles when handling hazardous
• Do not ingest the preparations and do not allow them to come
into contact with the eyes or skin. Do not lean over the ultra-
sound bath, in order to avoid vapours from coming into contact
with the eyes or from being inhaled.
• Place a lid on the ultrasound bath during operation. In case of
dangerous vapours, use a suction device.
• Observe the information on the label and in the safety data
sheet of the preparation.
• Keep the preparations away from children and untrained per-
2.10 Disposing of sonication fluid
Dispose of the sonication fluid according to the information pro-
vided by the manufacturer of the ultrasound agents used. The rec-
ommended ultrasound agents from the TICKOPUR, TICKOMED and
STAMMOPUR product ranges from DR. H. STAMM GmbH are bio-
degradable according to the articles of Regulation (EC) no. 648/
2004 (Detergents Regulation). If necessary, the sonication fluid
needs to be neutralised before disposal.
During cleaning, water-polluting substances, e.g. oils or heavy-
metal compounds, can contaminate the sonication fluid depending
on the type of soiling. If the limit value for these substances is
exceeded, the sonication fluid must be reprocessed or disposed of
as special waste.
Observe the local waste water regulations.