Maintenance and repair
6.1 Maintenance
SONOREX TECHNIK ultrasonic/rinsing baths are maintenance-free.
For purposes of regular inspection, the following functional checks may be carried out.
Functional checks
Checking control lights
• Pursuant to chapters 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.
Checking the ultrasound and/or heating
The function can be checked using a standard wattmeter. It should be inserted between
the ultrasonic bath's mains plug and the socket.
• Fill the tank with
uid, see chapter 4.2.
• For testing purposes, only the ultrasound or only the heating system should be
plugged in. Next, the value displayed is to be compared with the corresponding value
in the technical data (chapter 1.4) (tolerances ± 20 %).
Checking the ultrasound effect
• For this check, it is recommended that a foil test be conducted (semi-annually).
Ordinary aluminium foil is used to conduct the test. Next, a comparison is made with
previously-generated foils, if applicable.
Detailed information available upon request.