General information • Safety
Chapter 1
General information
8JSA user's manual V1.00
Chapter 1 • General information
1 Manual history
First edition
B&R makes every effort to keep user's manuals as current as possible. New versions are available
in electronic form on the B&R website (
). Check regularly to determine if you
have the latest version.
2 About this user's manual
This user's manual describes the product, informs you how to use it and warns of possible dangers.
The personnel responsible for installation, operation, fault rectification, maintenance and cleaning must read and
understand this manual before starting any work. The machine documentation must also be taken into account; the
product described here is a component of this. This, along with observing all specifications and safety guidelines,
will ensure safe functionality and a long service life.
As a component of the machine, this manual must be made freely accessible and stored in the immediate vicinity
of the machine.
In addition to the information in this manual, local accident prevention regulations and national industrial safety
regulations apply.
This document is not intended for end customers! The safety guidelines required for end customers
must be incorporated into the operating instructions for end customers in the respective national lan-
guage by the machine manufacturer or system provider.
3 Safety
This chapter provides you with safety-related information about working with the product.
Safety guidelines relevant to certain phases of the product's service life have been documented in the relevant
chapters in this manual.
3.1 Organization of safety notices
Safety notices in this manual are organized as follows:
Safety notice
Failure to observe these safety guidelines and notices can result in death.
Failure to observe these safety guidelines and notices can result in severe injury or substantial damage to property.
Failure to observe these safety guidelines and notices can result in injury or damage to property.
These instructions are important for avoiding malfunctions.