General information • Safety guidelines
Chapter 1
General information
Automation Panel 9x3 User's Manual V1.00
2 Safety guidelines
2.1 Intended use
Programmable logic controllers (PLCs), operating/monitoring devices (industrial PCs, Power Panels, Mobile Pan-
els, etc.), and B&R uninterruptible power supplies have been designed, developed and manufactured for conven-
tional use in industrial environments. They were not designed, developed and manufactured for any use involving
serious risks or hazards that could lead to death, injury, serious physical damage or loss of any kind without the
implementation of exceptionally stringent safety precautions. In particular, such risks and hazards include the use
of these devices to monitor nuclear reactions in nuclear power plants, their use in flight control or flight safety sys-
tems as well as in the control of mass transportation systems, medical life support systems or weapons systems.
2.2 Protection against electrostatic discharge
Electrical components that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD) must be handled accordingly.
2.2.1 Packaging
Electrical components with a housing
...Do not require special ESD packaging but must be handled properly (see "Electrical components with
a housing").
Electrical components without a housing
…Must be protected by ESD-suitable packaging.
2.2.2 Guidelines for proper ESD handling
Electrical components with a housing
Do not touch the connector contacts on connected cables.
Do not touch the contact tips on circuit boards.
Electrical components without a housing
The following applies in addition to the points listed under "Electrical components with a housing":
Any persons handling electrical components or devices with installed electrical components must be
Components may only be touched on their narrow sides or front plate.
Components should always be stored in a suitable medium (ESD packaging, conductive foam, etc.). Metal-
lic surfaces are not suitable storage surfaces!
Components should not be subjected to electrostatic discharge (e.g. through the use of charged plastics).
Ensure a minimum distance of 10 cm from monitors and TV sets.
Measurement devices and equipment must be grounded.
Measurement probes on potential-free measurement devices must be discharged on sufficiently grounded
surfaces before taking measurements.
Individual components
ESD protective measures for individual components are thoroughly integrated at B&R (conductive floors,
footwear, arm bands, etc.).
These increased ESD protective measures for individual components are not necessary for customers
handling B&R products.
2.3 Policies and procedures
Electronic devices are never completely fail-safe. If the programmable control system, operating/monitoring device
or uninterruptible power supply fails, the user is responsible for ensuring that other connected devices, e.g. motors,
are brought to a secure state.