The pin code system
The pin code system is intended
to make normal use of your
television impossible for
someone who does not know
the pin code. You choose
whether or not to activate the
pin code system.
When the pin code system is
activated and the television has
been disconnected from the
mains for 15–30 minutes, the pin
code system goes into effect.
When reconnected and switched
on, the television automatically
switches itself off after three
minutes. Entering the pin code
returns the television to normal.
IMPORTANT! If you are prompted for
a pin code the first time you switch
on your television, enter the pin code,
provided by your retailer.
Activate the pin code system
If the pin code system is already
activated, you are prompted to enter
your pin code when you bring up the
PIN CODE menu. You can activate or
deactivate your pin code at all times and
you can change your pin code
If you inadvertently press a wrong button
while entering a code, press the
button to delete a digit or press the
button to clear an input field.
Five incorrect entries will cause the television
to shut down for three hours, during which
operation is not possible. The standby
indicator will flash red quickly.
If you change your pin code more than five
times within a three-hour period, the PIN
CODE menu becomes inaccessible for three
hours, assuming that the television is not
disconnected from the mains. Disconnecting
the television resets the three-hour period.
Should you lose or forget your code, contact
your retailer. Your retailer can provide you
with a mastercode, which disables your pin