Banner AG4 Series Safety Laser Scanner
Separation (safety) distance
- That distance, along the direction of approach, between the outermost position at which the appropriate test
piece is just detected and the nearest dangerous machine part(s). Also called
Separation Distance
Start/restart (interlock)
– When applied to the function of a safety or safeguarding device, this term refers to the ability of the device to prevent
or allow the machine operating cycle to begin or resume by normal actuating means after the cause of a stop has been removed.
NOTE: This function is also called “reset”.
NOTE: The reset (clearing of the Start/Restart interlock) of the device must not cause hazardous motion or a hazardous situation, but only
enable the normal start command.
Protective Field
- The Scanner effective Separation (safety) distance/Separation Distance that is required to stop the machine before a person
who enters the Protective Field reaches the machine and is specified in ISO 13855 and associated standards.
Response Time
- The time between the interruption by the System OSSDs and the instant when the dangerous parts of the machine reach a
safe state by being brought to rest.
Qualified Person
- A person or persons who, by possession of a recognized degree or certificate of professional training, or who, by extensive
knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve problems relating to the subject matter and work.
Response Time
- The time between the physical initiation of the safety device and the machine coming to a stop or the risk being removed.
Trip Condition
- In trip output models, the response of the FSD relays when an object equal to or greater than the diameter of the specified test
piece enters the Protective Field. In a trip condition, FSD 1 and FSD 2 simultaneously de-energize and open their contacts. A trip condition
clears automatically when the object is removed from the Protective Field.
P/N 144924 05/2009
Product Manual