Banner AG4 Series Safety Laser Scanner
9. Record the Scanner configuration and Protective/Warning Fields dimensioning. This document should identify
and be signed by the individual(s) responsible for the configuration, and be included with the machine
documentation (see the
AG4soft Software Instruction Manual
for more information on configuration
10. For stationary application, it is recommended to mark the perimeter of the Protective Field(s) on the floor as an
awareness means for individuals in the area. For mobile applications, it is recommended that the diagram be
readily available for review.
11. If required, install means to protect the Scanner from physical damage, sources of optical interference (e.g.,
other Scanners), or prevent the Scanner from being used as a climbing aid. Ensure that these means do not
impair the field of view.
NOTE: See AG4 Series Safety Laser Scanner Application Guide (P/N 147900) for application check list
items and application examples.
3.2 Protective Field and Warning Field Considerations
Ensure the dimension (size) and coverage of the Protective Field can detect an intrusion and allow the
Scanner’s OSSDs to stop the dangerous movement before personnel can access the hazard. (See safety
distance, Section 3.3.4-3.3.5, and stopping distance Section 3.4.)
Ensure that access to all hazards is not possible for all Field Pair switchover applications (see Section 1.12.4).
Protective Fields with a range of less than 200 mm are not permitted.
Ensure that safety distance and stopping distance calculations incorporate all factors that can effect response
time, including:
The additive effect of all device response times, such as the Scanner, UM-FA-… safety module, and
all control elements (FSDs and/or MPCEs).
Add the appropriate response time values to account for any reasonably foreseeable machine stop
time degradation, such as due to brake pad wear.
Ensure that the Protective Field adequately covers all access routes that may lead to the safeguarded hazard,
or supplemental guarding may be required (see Unmonitored Areas Section 3.3.1).
Determine if a reference contour (surface) monitoring function is required (especially in vertical Protective Field
applications). This function prevents unintentional misalignment and deliberate manipulation of the Scanner.
See Section 1.12.5.
Ensure that the safeguarded hazard(s) cannot be accessed because of the effect of ―shadowing
‖ w
ithin the
Protective Field by adding supplemental safeguarding, such as additional Scanners. See Section 3.1.1.
Observe the lateral tolerance when dimensioning the Protective Fields, (e.g., do not use needle or
cone-shaped boundaries to define the separation (safety) distance; cone-shaped boundaries rely on less
accurate, angular resolution measurements). See Section 3.3.2.
Consider and resolve any other application factors that might require an increase in the separation (safety)
distance or stopping distance. These factors should be identified via the risk assessment process.
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