Start/Restart (Reset) Switch Location
Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious injury or death.
The system Start/Restart (Reset) switch must be accessible only from outside, and in full view of,
the hazardous area. Reset switches must also be out of reach from within the safeguarded space,
and must be protected against unauthorized or inadvertent operation (via rings, guards, key or
other means). If any areas are not visible from the reset switch, additional means of safeguarding
must be provided.
6.2 Muting Functions
To mute the primary safeguard appropriately, the design of a muting system must:
Identify the non-hazardous portion of the machine cycle.
Select the proper muting devices.
Include proper mounting and installation of those devices.
The SX Series Safety Laser Scanner is equipped with Integral Muting that can monitor and respond to redundant signals that
initiate the mute. The mute automatically suspends the safeguarding function to allow an object to pass through the Safety
Zone, without generating a stop command. The muting function allows the suspension of the entire Safety Zone (Total
Muting) or just part of the Safety Zone (Partial Muting). The muting function can be activated for the safety zone controlling
OSSD1 and/or OSSD2 (OSSD3 cannot be muted).
The mute may be triggered by a variety of external devices. This feature provides a variety of options to tailor the system to
the requirements of a specific application. A pair of muting devices must be triggered within time selected in the configuration
(the maximum delay between the activation of mute 1 and mute 2 can be set for one second to 16 seconds, with the default
time being four seconds) of each other, but the order does not matter. The mute sensors cannot activate simultaneously.
This reduces the chance of common mode failures or defeat.
WARNING: Muting Limitations
— Muting is allowed only during the non-hazardous portion of the
machine cycle (ISO 13849-1 and ANSI B11.19). Muting at power up cannot be configured in this scanner.
Muting Inputs Must Be Redundant
Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious injury or death.
Do not use a single switch, device, or relay with two normally open (N.O.) contacts for the mute
inputs. A single device, with multiple outputs, may fail so that the system is muted at an
inappropriate time. This could result in a hazardous situation.
6.2.1 Mute Devices
The beginning and end of a mute cycle must be triggered by outputs from the muting devices, depending on the application.
The mute devices must either have normally open contacts or have PNP outputs, both of which fulfill the muting device
requirements. These contacts must close (conduct) when the switch is actuated to initiate the mute and must open (non-
conducting) when the switch is not actuated or in a power OFF condition.
The SX Series Safety Laser Scanner with Integral Muting monitors the mute devices to verify that their outputs turn on within
the selected time of each other (order does not matter). If the inputs do not meet this simultaneity requirement, a mute
condition will not occur. The mute devices must stay on (conducting) during the entire muting process.
The mute devices should be powered from the same power supply powering the scanner. Several types and combinations of
mute devices can be used, including but not limited to: limit switches, photoelectric sensors, positive-driven switches,
inductive proximity sensors, and 'whisker' switches.
6.2.2 Mute Device Requirements
The muting devices must, at a minimum, comply with the following requirements:
1. There must be a minimum of two independent hard-wired muting devices.
2. The muting devices must have one of the following: normally open contacts, PNP outputs (both of which must fulfill
the input requirements listed in the Specifications), or a complementary switching action. At least one of these
contacts must close when the switch is actuated, and must open (or not conduct) when the switch is not actuated or
is in a power-off state.
SX Safety Laser Scanner
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767