XIRING – Ingenico Healthcare / eID – Baracoda orKan ‘barcode’ – User Guide v1.5
‘Frozen display’
In some cases, the terminal has to be focused on one (1) specific action. In other words, to
guarantee a good product behavior, the user mustn’t stop/disturb the current running
action. In such a case, capturing data (writing/reading of RFID tags…) is forbidden; no user
application is running…
During this running specific action, the following screen is displayed:
‘Action’ (two actions can be displayed at the same time – not more):
[Charging]: Battery recharge
No application with data capture can occur during this operation. However,
communication with a host (to configure, transfer of recorded data, etc.) is
[Uploading]: transmission to the host recorded data
[Upgrading]: Upgrade the orKan terminal
‘BT name’: Bluetooth Name
‘BDA’: Bluetooth Device Address
‘S/N’: product serial number
‘Batt. level’: percentage of the remaining battery level
[action 1] [action 2]
BT name: xxx
BDA: xx.xx .xx.xx.xx.xx
S/N : xxxxxxx
Batt. level : xxx%