How does ABS work ?
BarcoProfile-ABS is installed on the yarn
withdrawal tube.
Based on a patented operating principle, the
ABS detector measures the quantity of light
absorbed by the yarn.
For that purpose, light emitting diodes and
photoreceivers are put on the outside of the
yarn withdrawal tube, part of which has been
made diffusely transparent. The part of the
withdrawal tube where textile technological
functions, such as yarn twist formation, are
accomplished, is not touched.
The receivers sense the total amount of light
present in the tube. Foreign fibers in the yarn
cause an increased light absorption. This
increase is measured by the detector.
Measurements are unaffected by external
conditions such as temperature, ambient light,
humidity, dust and fiber type.
- Correct detection of foreign fiber length. The
ABS detector looks at the yarn from all
angles. This concentric detection allows to
see the full length of the foreign fiber
resulting in accurate length determination
of the contamination. This, in turn, allows
very selective clearing, avoiding un-
necessary stops.
- On-line defect classification per rotor and per
- Easy setting of clearer limits based on length
and intensity of contamination.
- Detection of contaminated sliver cans,
preventing chains of contamination in the
yarn (swarms).
- Foreign fiber rotor lock in case too many
stops within a certain yarn length are
- Auto-diagnostics prevent production to
continue on a rotor with a defective sensor.
Length detected by Barcoprofile ABS
Length detected by other systems
Withdrawal tube
original tube
Withdrawal tube