It is recommended to perform pressotherapy every day.
Work mode, time of the treatment and drainage / massage
pressure depend on the individual preferences and possi-
bilities, the aim of the treatment and applied prevention.
increase the body’s resistance,
stimulation of metabolism and restoration of its
prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity,
reduction of swelling,
improving regeneration of tired and sore muscles,
heavy legs
and others the same as in classic manual massage.
Pressotherapy consists of sequential and directional pres-
sure on a part of the body, where dedicated cuff is placed.
The air-filled cuff chamber (by pneumatic compression) in-
duces a mechanical massage effect. Particular chambers fill
in with air in specified time and accordingly to programmed
cycle. This causes a sequential pressure effect which turns
into a rhythmic wave. Lymphatic drainage massage is pos-
itively perceived as a very pleasant and effective way to re-
generate and relax. The patient feels relief in the areas cov-
ered by the massage.
During this type of massage similar physiological processes
take place as in manual massage. It mainly stimulates the
activity of the body, restores and stimulates its functioning,
improves the flow and accelerates the exchange of fluids
in the system. The benefits are also the same as in classic
manual massage:
improved well-being,
improved skin elasticity,
preventive healthcare.
Indications for pressotherapy
(lymphatic drainage massage)
and its function
Possible side effects of pressotherapy include:
short-term pain exacerbation,
hematomas and bruises.