This manual is an integral part of the machine and must accompany it in
case of resale and until its demolition.
In case of loss or damage of this Manual please request a copy to the manufacturer (IMA.
IT S.p.A. via Gambellara 10 Imola BO ) or retailer (
insert name and address of the retailer
This manual should be translated into the language of the country where the machine is
sold .
On equipment are suitable some pictograms which have to be maintained in a perfect
condition and replaced when they are no longer legible by the operator.
The presence of this symbol means to pay close attention to the item
It would be possible that some devices described in this manual are missing on your
machine, depending on fittings and/or market features based on machine destination.
The information, descriptions and illustrations in this manual reflect the state of the art
when machine has been commercialised .
The manufacturer reserves the right to make, at any time, any changes to the machines
for technical or commercial reasons. These changes do not require at manufacturer to act
on sold equipment to update it or to consider it inadequate.
Any additions that the manufacturer deems appropriate to provide, it need to be stored
together with the manual and has to be considered an integral part of it.
The copyright of this manual belongs to the manufacturer. This manual contains text,
drawings and technical illustrations that cannot be disclosed to third parties or transmitted,
in whole or in part, without the written permission of the manufacturer of the machine.