In the picture a low cost 5 Watts power resistor, mounted
on an aluminium plate was used. Its value can be
calculated with the formula:
R = U / 0,35
P = U * 0,35
is the surplus Voltage in Volts,
the resistance,
load the resistor will take). An example: If using 6 red
LEDs in series with a forward voltage of 6 * 2.8 Volts and
operating the module with 24 Volts, the resistor shall
catch 6 volts so that the electronics has about 2 volts
headroom for regulation.
Hence the resistor should have
18 Ohms and 5 Watt maximum load.
Model „STRIPE“
This model does not have any internal current regulator. So the supply voltage is passed through and
the voltage of the power supply must match the voltage of the LED stripe.
Regarding any possible voltage drop, please see the previous paragraph. Cable lengths up to 5 Mtr.
are allowed.
Note: We found LED stripes of 10 Volts, 12 Volts and 24 Volts.
Note: We also deliver (flexible) LED stripes (on wheels) with a length of up to 4 Mtrs. Each colour will
draw up to 2 Amperes at 12 Volts.
The model „STRIPE“ is designed for currents up to 2.5 Ampere per channel (7.5 Ampere in total) at an
operating Voltage of 12 Volts. For 24 Volts maximum is 1.25 Ampere per channel.
First Test
By using the enclosed connectors installation is very easy.
Chromoflex - Manual - English V1.07
Rev. 02.07.2006
- 5 -
Power Supply
110/230V Inp.,
ChromoFlex-Modul "STRIPE"
R -
G -
B -
Power Supply - (GND)
to PC
~ 12V/6A Outp.
Red, LED-Stripe, i.e. 4 Mtrs, 2 Ampere
Green, LED-Stripe, i.e. 4 Mtrs, 2 Ampere
Blue, LED-Stripe, i.e.. 4 Mtr, 1.8 Ampere