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4.1.3. Mag-01 and Mag-01H Rear Panel
Key to Figure 3
12. Analogue output. ±5V maximum = ±500μT. Offsets and range change apply. (For high field
probe D ±4.5V = ±4.5mT.)
13. 2.1mm DC inlet. Charge from mains adaptor or vehicle dashboard cable. Voltage may be
between 9-18V. The input is polarity protected against accidental incorrect connection.
4.1.4. Operation
The magnetometers contain circuitry to convert the signals produced by the probe into a
measurement of flux density. This is displayed on the front panel LCD, or in the form of an
analogue output voltage for connection to a DVM or acquisition unit. A rechargeable battery is
included, making the unit suitable for portable use.
The use of low signature components, including a non-magnetic battery, allows the
magnetometers and probes to be used as close together as 0.5 metres without errors becoming
A precision voltage-to-current converter maintains precise calibration over the full range of
operating temperatures.
The additional features of the Mag-01H include a x10 sensitivity control to increase resolution,
and a precision offset control to expand the measuring range.
Both instruments display the battery voltage for 2 to 4 seconds after switch-on. An audible alarm
signals when the battery should be recharged.
Figure 3. Mag-01 / Mag-01H rear panel functions