Configuration through graphical interface
Password of SIP number.
Lock Name #1:
The name displayed near the first lock button.
Default value:
Enable/disable the function to send a standard value when the button to open the
first lock is pressed (the internal protocol command to open the door).
Lock code #1:
DTMF code transmitted when the first lock button is pressed.
Second lock:
Turn on/off the button of the second lock, for example when using the SH-42
module or the AV-07T panel.
Lock Name #2:
The name displayed near the second lock button.
Lock code #2:
DTMF code transmitted when the second lock button is pressed.
Default panel view mode
By default panels are set to open the door when there is "#" DTMF code recieved to
open first lock.
By default panels are set to open the door when there is "0" DTMF code recieved to
open second lock.