Configuration through web interface
Email notification
In this menu item, the E-mail settings are specified, allowing you to send a letter to the specified
address when triggered triggers are triggered in the Basic, Advanced, Inputs and Movement
Sender's address: E-mail of the sender of the type:
Recipient's address: Recipient's email address:
SMTP Server Address: The SMTP server address of the sender's mailbox.
SMTP username: The username of the SMTP server.
SMTP Password: The password of the SMTP server user.
Subject E-mail: Subject letter.
Content E-mail: The text of the letter.
Test E-mail: Validating the entered data.
When specifying the SMTP server address, you must specify the port number without
SSL\TLS encryption (for example,
To check the correctness of data entry and start the test, you must first apply the
settings by clicking the "OK" button.