Bask Aerospace
AeroDrone MR4 - Getting Started Guide
Loiter Mode
Loiter Mode means the aircraft will hold altitude, position and heading automatically without any pilot input. Both
joysticks need to be centred for this to occur.
Moving the throttle stick up/down from the center “deadzone”, commands the aircraft to ascend/descend at a rate
proportional to the position of the stick from center. This means the more you raise the throttle stick above center
the faster the aircraft will climb, and conversely the more you lower the stick from center the faster the aircraft will
descend. The climb and descent rate is limited in this mode by the climb and descent speed settings, which can
be changed using your Ground Control Software. Moving the throttle back into the central “deadzone” at anytime
will cause the aircraft to maintain it’s current altitude.
This mode automatically attempts to maintain the current altitude, position and heading.
The aircraft’s horizontal position can be manually adjusted using the pitch/roll stick.
When the pitch/roll stick is released, the aircraft will slow to a stop and hold it’s position.
The altitude is controlled using the throttle stick.
The heading is controlled using the yaw stick.
This is a GPS-dependent mode, so it is essential that good GPS signal is acquired on the ground before
attempting to use this mode in flight.
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