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The P-30 boiler which you have chosen for your 
installation is basically made up from cast iron 
sections and so is a product of unbeatable quality 
that will provide you with the level of comfort that 
you expect from individual central heating. 
In this information we offer you the main features 
of the boiler as well as the operations that are 
necessary for its correct performance and proper 


Checks and operations to be followed at the 
beginning and end of every heating season, as 
well as during the boiler’s service. 

Operations prior to the fi rst lighting 

-  Check that the installation fl ow and return cocks, 

if there are any, are open. 

-  Check that the installation is full of water and that 

the fi xed pointer in the hydrometer or combined 
temp./altitude gauge has been placed by the 
installer in the position which corresponds to 
the static head of the installation. 1 bar  = 10 

-  Check the pump for correct operation. To do this, 

remove the turn and bleed control plug (10) with 
a screwdriver and look at the shaft*. 

*  After long periods of non-use, the pump may have 

become jammed. In this case, press a screwdriver 
into the slot on the shaft-end and at the same time, 
turn it. 

-  Bleed the air from the installation and radiators. 
-  In installations with a closed expansion vessel, 

top up with water (if necessary) until the mobile 
pointer in the hydrometer or combined temp./
altitude gauge is slightly above the fi xed one. 
Where an open expansion vessel has been 
installed, refi ll until the mobile pointer levels off 
with the fi xed one. 

First lighting with solid fuels 

-  Check that the damper (11) in the smokehood 

(12) is open; Otherwise, open it by turning 
the handle (13). Get the end of the handle 
(13) to point at the letter ”A” (open) on the 

-  Open the ashpit door (8) by turning its handle 


-  Lower the front section grille (15) hinged on 

the built-in section brackets (16) and leave it in 
inverted position. 

-  Put a suffi cient amount of small fi rewood or coal 

on the grate bars (17) so as to aid lighting up. 
While doing this, keep the charging door (7) and 
the observation window (18) closed. 

-  Turn on the switch (1) to put the circulating pump 

into operation. 

-  Following the fi rst combustion, put the grille (15) 

back in position and close the ashpit door (8). 

-  Open the charging door (7) and fill the 

combustion chamber to an appropriate level 
with the fuel you have decided to use. Close 
the door and check that there are no leaks of 
fl ue gases. 

-  Adjustment of the automatic temperature 

regulator (6) must have been done by the 
installer. However, if it should be adjusted now, 
follow the relevant instructions enclosed. 

-  Bleed all the radiators and ensure that they all reach 

the required operating temperature in accordance 
with that selected on the regulator (6).

First lighting with fl uid fuels 

-  Check that the damper (11) in the smokehood 

(12) is open; Otherwise, open it by turning 
the handle (13). Get the end of the handle 
(13) to point at the letter ”A” (open) on the 

-  Turn on the main switch for the power supply to 

reach the control panel (19). 

-  Turn on the switch (1) to put the system pump 

into operation. 

-  Turn on the switch (2) on the control fascia to put 

the burner into operation and check its running 
against the instructions that are delivered with 

-  Set the control thermostat (3) on the control 

fascia to the desired temperature. It is 
recommended that it should at least be 60°C. 

-  If the installation has an ambient thermostat, set 

its dial in the position selected for the previous 

-  Bleed all the radiators and ensure that they all 

reach the required operating temperature in 
accordance with that selected on the control 
thermostat (3). 


The cleaner the boiler is kept the lower will fuel 
consumption be. For every millimetre of soot on 
the interior surfaces, consumption increases by 
approximately 3%. 
To aid operating and cleaning the boiler, a set of 
stoking tools is supplied with it, comprising: 
20  -  Shovel. 
21  -  Scraper. 
22  -  Slice Bar. 
23  -  Flue Brush with handle. 
The shovel (20) is used both to charge the boiler 
with solid fuels and to remove the nonburned 
residues from the ashpan. 
The scraper (21) is used to drag the ash and 
clinker which may have dropped onto the base 
of the boiler to a more accessible location for 
collection and removal. 
The slice bar (22) aids cleaning the grate bars 
in such a way that the nonburned residues may 
drop into the ashpan. If necessary, it can be used 
to poke the solid fuels. 
The brush (23) is used to clean the fl ues and the 
interior surfaces of the boiler walls 

Use of solid fuels 

Before charging: 
-  Open the ashpit door (8) through its handle (14), 

lower the front section grille (15) as described 
in point 8 of the ”First lighting with solid fuels” 
section and use the slice bar (22) to remove the 
nonburned residues from the grate bars, which 
will drop into the ashpan (24). 

-  Put the front section grille (15) back in position, 

withdraw the ashpan (24) and, with the aid of 
the shovel (20), empty it. Put an empty ashpan 
in its place and close the ashpit door. 

At regular intervals* carry out the following 
-  Open the charging door (7) and, with the aid of 

the brush (23), clean the smoke fl ues (25). 

*  The frequency of this regular cleaning procedure 

will depend on how much the boiler works and the 
type of fuel used. 

-  Loosen the wing nut (26) to detach the cleaning 

cover from the smoke hood (12) and remove the 
soot inside it. 

-  Insert the brush (23) between the charging and 

ashpit openings on the front section and clean 
the interior surfaces of the sections that make 
up the combustion chamber. 

Use of fl uid fuels 

At regular intervals carry out the following 
-  Turn off the main switch to isolate the system. 
-  Close the fuel inlet cocks to the burner. 
-  Open the burner door (9) loosening the locking 

screw (27) and protect the burner so that it does 
not get dirty. 

-  Open the charging door (7), lift the baffl e plate 

(28) and remove it for cleaning. 

-  Insert the brush (23) between the charging and 

burner openings on the front section and clean 
the interior surfaces of the sections that make 
up the combustion chamber.  

-  Loosen the wing nut (26) to detach the cleaning 

cover from the smoke hood (12) and remove the 
soot inside it. 

*  The frequency of this regular cleaning procedure 

will depend on how much the boiler works and the 
type of fuel used.


-  At the end of each heating season or before 

a long period of non-use, the boiler should 
be thoroughly cleaned without letting the soot 

-  Check, at least once a year, the correct running 

of all control and safety devices. 

-  Carry out, at least once a year, the operations 

contained in the instructions which come with 
the burner. 

-  Clean the chimney at least once a year. 

Important recommendations 

-  In case of long periods of non-use, the 

installation must not be emptied. 

-  Water should be added to the system only when 

absolutely necessary. 


This operation should be done when the 
boiler is cold. 

-  Frequent adding of water can form lime deposits 

on the boiler, causing serious damage, and at 
the same time reducing effi ciency. 

-  If the installation is located in an area with risk 

of freezing, some anti-freeze product should be 
added to the water in proportion to the minimum 
outside temperature of the place. 

How to solve some malfunctions which may 
arise after long periods of non-use. 

-  The radiator or panel circuit does not warm up, 

even when the temperature of the water in the 
boiler is correct. Check that: 

  -  The circulating pump is rotating correctly; 

otherwise, proceed as indicated under 

  -  The valves on each radiator are open and 

their spindles (headworks) are not jammed. 

-  The burner does not light up. Check that: 
  -  The control (3) and ambient thermostats are 

set to the right temperature. 

  -  The installation fuses are the correct ones 

and the main switch is ON. 

  -  Voltage is reaching the control panel. 
  -  The safety limit thermostat (4) has been 

activated. To reset it, unscrew the protection 
plug and press the lug inside. 

If after these checks no positive result is obtained, 
report it to your installer. 


Characteristics and performance qualities subject 
to change without notice. 

CE Marked

P-30 boilers comply with the European 
Directives 89/336/EEC on Electromagnetic 
Compatibility and 73/23/CEE on Low 


Summary of Contents for P-30

Page 1: ...Funcionamento Limpieza e Manutenção para o UTENTE Chaudière Polycombustible Instructions de Fonctionnement de Nettoyage et de Maintenance pour l USAGER Combustibles sólidos For solid fuel firing Combustibles solides Feste Brennstoffe Combustibili solidi Combustíveis sólidos Combustibles fluidos For fluid fuel firing Combustibles liquides Flüssige Brennstoffe Combustibili liquidi Combustíveis fluíd...

Page 2: ...gulador automático de temperatura 7 Puerta de carga Charging door Porte de chargement Beschickungstür Sportello di carico Porta de carga 8 Puerta de cenicero Ashpit door Porte ds cendrier Aschentür Sportsllo della cassetta raccoglicenere Porta de cinzeiro 9 Puerta de quemador Burner door Porte de brûleur Brennertür Porta del bruciatore Porta do queimador 1 h l a c k l i t ú a i c n ê t o P h l a c...

Page 3: ...2 Aguja móvil Mobile pointer Aiguille mobile Aguja fija Fixet pointer Aiguille fixe Beweglicher Zeiger Indice mobile Agulha móvel Feststehender Zeiger Indice fisso Agulha fixa 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...

Page 4: ...ador 22 facilita la limpieza del emparrillado de tal forma que con su ayuda puedan caer al interior del cajón de cenicero los inquemados que hayan quedado en la superficie de aquel Ha de utilizarse si fuera necesario para remover el combustible sólido El cepillo rectangular 23 tiene su función en la limpieza de los pasos de humos y del interior de las paredes de la caldera Utilización con combusti...

Page 5: ... to charge the boiler with solid fuels and to remove the nonburned residues from the ashpan The scraper 21 is used to drag the ash and clinker which may have dropped onto the base of the boiler to a more accessible location for collection and removal The slice bar 22 aids cleaning the grate bars in such a way that the nonburned residues may drop into the ashpan If necessary it can be used to poke ...

Page 6: ...nt de la chaudière pour introudire le combustible solide dans le foyer que pour retirer les résidus du cendrier La raclette 21 permet de retirer les cendres et les scories qui peuvent être tombées au fond de la chaudière Le pique feu 22 facilite le nettoyage des grilles es faisant tomber dans le cendrier les résidus non brûlés Il peut être utilisé si nécessaire pour remuer le combustible solide La...

Page 7: ... im Haus als auch zum Entfernen der Reste aus dem Aschenkasten Der Schaber 21 ermöglicht es Asche und Schlacke die auf den Boden des Kessels gelangt sind hervorzuholen um sie aufkehren und beseitigen zu können Der Stocher 23 erleichtert die Reinigung des Feuerrostes idem unverbrannte Reste in den Aschenkasten befördert werden Entfernen Sie hiermit erforderlichenfalls festes Brennmaterial Die recht...

Page 8: ...ceneri e le scorie che possono essere cadute sulla base della caldaia dal fondo di essa fino ad un luogo più accessibile per essere raccolte L attizzatore 22 facilita la puliza del la struttura della caldaia in modo che con il suo utilizzo cadano all interno della cassetta raccoglicenere gli incombusti che si siano depositati sulla superficie Deve essere utilizzato se necessario per rimuovere il c...

Page 9: ...rrastar as cinzas e escórias que possam ter caído sobre a base da caldeira desde o fundo até a um ponto acessíbel donde possam ser retiradas O atiçador 22 facilita a limpeza da câmara de combustão ajudando a cair na caixa cinzeiro os inqueimados que permaneçam sobre as grelhas Utiliza se ainda na remoção do combustível da câmara de combustão caso seja necessário O escovilhão rectangular 23 usa se ...

Page 10: ...BAXIROCA Tel 34 902 89 80 00 www baxi es informacion baxi es Baxi Calefacción S L U 2012 N 6223 5 1012 CE ...
