BayStream 7.3 Documentation Change Notice
BayStream Multiservice Software Version 7.3
115385-D Rev 01
Using Site Manager
To direct BayStream to save statistics to the VFS, complete the following steps:
Site Manager Procedure
You do this
System responds
1. In the Configuration Manager window,
choose Options.
2. Choose Statistical Data Collection.
The Statistical Data Collection
window opens.
3. Choose Global.
The Global window opens.
4. At the Global window, set the following
Save to VFS (DRAM) Enable: Enabled
Master Volume Number: enter the volume
number (which is the slot number on which
you have VFS configured).51
5. Click on OK.
Site Manager returns you to the
Statistical Data Collection
window. The new volume appears
in the window.
6. Click on Save.
Site Manager returns you to the
Configuration Manager window.