Response Strings
The modem response strings have the following meanings:
The OK string is returned by the modem to indicate success. Ordinarily, this string is set to OK.
The Connect string is returned by the modem to indicate a successful connection. Ordinarily, this
string is set to CONNECT.
The Busy string is returned by the modem to indicate a busy phone line. Ordinarily, this string is set
to BUSY.
The No carrier string is returned by the modem to indicate it did not get an answer. Ordinarily, this
string is set to NO CARRIER.
The No dialtone string is returned by the modem to indicate it did not get a dialtone. Ordinarily, this
string is set to NO DIALTONE.
The Error string is returned by the modem to indicate some other error occurred. Ordinarily, this
string is set to ERROR.
Adding a Modem
When adding a modem to the list, you can save yourself a little time by first selecting a modem similar to the one
you want to add. The strings for your new modem will be initialized from the currently displayed strings, and
you’ll have less editing to do.
To add a modem to the list of modems:
and enter a name for the new modem when prompted.
The new modem will be added to the list, and its settings (based on the previously selected modem)
are displayed.
Highlight each of the strings you’d like to change, and edit them to your liking.
to make your changes permanent.
The modem you added will now be available for selection in the Setup dialog.