Chapter 3 Understanding Erpcd
Using Remote Access Concentrator Server Tools for Windows NT
For example, if a user who belongs to the Engineering group requests
access to a RAC port on Monday morning at 10 a.m. and a profile excludes
Engineering group members from using that RAC on Mondays between
9 and 11 a.m., the user cannot log in to the port. In this case, Remote
Access Concentrator Server Tools authenticates the user’s Windows NT
name and password, matches the current environment (the RAC, port,
day and time) to an entry in acp_userinfo, and downloads instructions
(or attributes) so that the RAC denies access to the user.
User Profile Formats
The acp_userinfo file stores user profiles in the user...end block format.
This format includes:
User to begin the block.
One or more keywords that specify the user environment.
Entries must contain:
A keyword, an equal sign (=) and a value, without spaces.
For an explanation of these keywords, refer to
Environment Keywords
on page -4
A semicolon (;) to separate keyword/value statements.
A backslash (\) at the end of a line if you continue the entry
on a second line.
You cannot use each keyword more than once in any user
profile. A line cannot exceed 80 characters. You cannot
include spaces on either side of the equal sign, the
semicolon, or within the value, except in a value for time.