April 2019
– Issue 4
Section 4 - Startup and Driving (continued)
Please note the following points for driving in winter conditions:
DO maintain the level of and add the specified coolant to the cooling system.
DO remove the accumulated water in the air tanks after stopping.
DO check the fluid levels, the specific gravity and the voltage of the electrolyte in the battery.
Use only recommended coolant for the cooling system, as specified by the engine manufacturer.
The vehicle should not be driven before releasing all the brakes.
4F - Shutting down the engine
Turn the ignition key to the position ACC to switch-off the engine.
After the engine has been operated with heavy loads, the temperature of the cooling water may be above 90ºC, the
engine MUST NOT be shut down immediately. Operate the engine for a while; DO NOT shut down the engine until the
temperature of water has dropped to a normal value.
Select the neutral position on the transmission control pad and then turn off the power.
After shutting down the engine, engage the parking brake,
If you leave the vehicle with the engine running, the vehicle could move unexpectedly and people could be
injured. If you must leave the engine running, DO NOT LEAVE the vehicle until you have completed all of the following:
Put the transmission in
Ensure the engine is at low idle (500–800 rpm).
Apply the park brake and emergency brake and ensure they are properly engaged.
Chock the wheels and take any other appropriate action to prevent the vehicle from moving.
NOTE: If the passenger door is open while the engine is running and without the park brake applied;
a buzzer will
. Apply the park brake and the buzzer will turn off.
Owner’s Manual