April 2019
– Issue 4
Section 8 - Appendix
CAN instrument panel operating guide
8.1 - Introduction
With the development of vehicle electronics, there has been an increase in electronic components and vehicle data to
monitor. The development of the ZB277 instrument panel provides for the following:
It can process data faster and display more information; it has the characteristics of a traditional display and CAN bus
The instrument panel can display the data from CAN bus. Almost all of the vehicle electrics can be connected to vehicle
CAN bus, for data sources.
The data transmitted is digitized, making it more effective to display. The pointer table driven by the stepper buttons and
the true color TFT LCD screen provide an excellent platform for the display of many electrical functions.
More Accurate Data
Because the instrument panel transmits data and displays it using digitizing methods, it has complete error correction, and
does not produce additional errors.
Higher Reliability
The CAN has data reliability, because of the digitizing methods; it also has a low failure rate, as it is designed for certain poor
working conditions. It only communicates with the vehicle, and provides a reliable indicator of the vehicle status.
The Simplest Wiring:
The instrument panel has only two bus (CANH, CANL), one fire wire (+24), one ground wire (GND) and one wake up wire
The appearance of the ZB277 color LCD dashboard as shown in (figure 1)
Figure 1
: The Outline of ZB277
1. Tachometer
2. Warning lamps
3. Speedometer/
4. Battery voltage
5. Oil pressure gauge/
6. Option menu
7. TFT color screen/
8. Water gauge
9. Fuel gauge
The ZB277 contains six indicator type instruments and 25 icons:
8.1a - Indicator types:
Tachometer, Speedometer, Voltmeter, Oil Pressure Gauge, Water Temperature Meter and Fuel Level Gauge
Owner’s Manual