April 2019
– Issue 4
Appendix - CAN instrument panel operating guide (continued)
the user chooses to enter the sub-menu for “buzzer set” in the main menu, the screen display is shown in figure 9:
Buzzer alarm setting
Figure 9: Buzzer alarm setting
The user can choose "the buzzer alarm open or close" by pressing the UP or the DOWN button, when set, the setting can be
saved by pressing the MENU button to confirm and exit.
the user chooses to enter the sub-menu “Diagnoses information” in the main menu, the screen display is shown as
figure 10. Menu of Diagnostic information
Figure 10: Menu of Diagnostic information
The user can review the available diagnostic information, by choosing each module displayed.
The diagnostic information is shown as figure 11: Diagnostic code interface
Figure 11: Diagnostic code interface
It includes SPN code, FMI code, SA code. In the “diagnostic code interface”, the user can return by pressing the MENU
Owner’s Manual