Chapter 3: BD CARV II Touch Pad Controller
Secondary CARV II Screens
Pressing on the various icons in the CARV II main screen provides access to the
following secondary screens:
Eight-Position Filter Wheel Screens
Dichroic Wheel Screen
Intensity Iris Screen
FRAP Iris Screen
Presets Screen
Eight-Position Filter Wheel Screens
When either of the eight-position filter wheel buttons on the Main Screen are
pressed, one of the eight-position filter wheel screens is displayed. The two
screens look similar, as only the screen titles differ; however, the information they
access is entirely different. The positions selected with one of the eight buttons
and any calibration information are for either the excitation wheel or the
emission wheel, depending on which screen is displayed. An example of an eight-
position filter wheel screen is shown in Figure 3-2.
Prism (binocs)
–When the prism is in the light path, the light path
is directed to the binocs. Pressing either the camera button, this
prism graphic, or commanding the prism using the software will
move the prism out of the light path, directing it to the camera.
The prism graphic will change to the one above.
Pressing this button displays the Preset screen. Refer to
the Presets Screen on page 46 for more details.