A.7.1 Set Up: Equipment Required
• PC with an Ethernet connection
• PC with a web browser, such as Microsoft In-
ternet Explorer
• Cat5 or better Ethernet cable
A.7.2 Set Up: Physical Connection
Using a Cat5 Ethernet cable, connect the
laboratory vacuum system to an Ethernet
switch or hub. Connect the cable to the Cus-
tomer Ethernet Connection (Figure A.26) on
PCB3 Master board
2. Verify the green LINK LED on the printed cir-
cuit board illuminates.
A.7.3 Set Up: Network Connection
1. IP Address using DHCP method:
Upon pow-
er-up of the system, the device will search
for DHCP server. If a DHCP server is found,
IP Address, subnet mask and gateway are
automatically obtained. If not found, the de-
vice will check for a DHCP server every 30
seconds. When found, the IP Address, sub-
net mask and gateway are automatically ob-
2. IP Address using Static method:
Upon pow-
er-up of the system, the device will immedi-
ately begin using the
xed IP con
A.7.4 Set Up: Connecting to the Embedded
Website of the Vacuum System
1. Start a web browser such as Microsoft Inter-
net Explorer.
2. Enter the system’s IP address in the brows-
er’s address bar.
Only connect the customer network to the
customer Ethernet connection as shown in
Figure A.27.
Do not plug existing Ethernet cables used for
the internal connections. Do not attempt to
remove Ethernet security protectors to use
for customer Ethernet connection.
If the customer Ethernet is placed in an
internal Ethernet connection, the internal
Ethernet functionality will not perform as
Customer Ethernet Connection
on PCB3 Master
Figure A.28 System IP Address
(Network screen is found in Settings section from
Main toolbar)
To learn the IP address of the vacuum
system, go to the 5.7” main touchscreen,
press the Settings icon, press Network
from the listing and the IP address will
appear in the second line underneath the
method. See Figure A.28.
Figure A.27 Connecting the Cable
Lubricated Rotary Vane Laboratory Vacuum Systems
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