Product overview
CX8080 - Introduction
In the basic version the CX80xx contains a 512 MB MicroSD card. A fieldbus interface, an Ethernet interface
and a K-bus or E-bus interface are included as standard.
The smallest task time to be used is 1 ms (a task time of 1 to 50 ms is recommended for the I/O data, further
tasks can also be set slower). When using shorter cycle times, the total system load is to be observed. If too
short a cycle time is selected, the Web visualization and remote desktop may operate very slowly or cause
timeouts. The user is responsible for projecting and configuring his system such that it is not overloaded.
The CX8080 is a controller with an Ethernet port and two serial interfaces.
From TwinCAT 2.11 R3 build 2249, the Ethernet port is used for programming and/or configuration.
The serial interfaces can be operated with RS232 or RS485 hardware. It is also possible to operate the two
interfaces simultaneously.
The interfaces are protocol-neutral and can be connected to a wide range of devices with the aid of various
serial supplements. Custom protocols can also be used and can be implemented quite quickly with the aid of
Serial Communication TS6340
library. Baud rates between 300 baud and 115 kbaud are supported.
Alternatively K-bus or E-bus terminals can be series-connected; the CX8080 automatically detects which
type of terminal is connected during the start-up phase.
Version: 1.0.0