Software Configuration
Chapter 4
Bedrock Secure OSA Remote User Manual - BRDOC020_001
Additional detail pertaining to OSA Remote configuration parameters appears
in the following sections.
Fail-safe Mode
Used in event of communication failure between the
I/O subsystem and CPU.
Fail-safe – Module output is set to a default fail-safe
Hold – Module output is held at the current level
For modes supporting analog output or discrete
Output Fail-safe Value
Default fail-safe value if there is a communication
failure between the I/O subsystem and CPU and
Fail-safe mode is set to “Fail-safe”.
For modes supporting analog output or discrete
Output Fail-safe Timeout
Fail-safe timeout period in milliseconds. Configured
for each OSA Remote channel.
For modes supporting analog output or discrete
Digital Mode of Operation
Mode of operation for discrete inputs and NAMUR -
Digital Input, Counter, or Frequency.
For modes supporting discrete input or NAMUR.
Debounce Time
Number of milliseconds (1-255) used for debounce
Set to zero for no debounce filtering.
For modes supporting discrete input or NAMUR.
Digital Out Retry Period
Number of milliseconds (3-255) between retries in
an overcurrent situation.
This parameter is ignored if Digital Out Retry Limit is
For mode supporting discrete output.
Digital Out Retry Limit
Number of retries (up to 255) in an overcurrent
situation. If set to zero, the channel stays latched off.
For mode supporting discrete output.
Digital Out OC Threshold
Maximum allowable current before a fault occurs.
Specified in milliamps.
For mode supporting discrete output.
Scaling Parameters
Allows a configurable analog input range to be
scaled to a configurable output range, e.g., 0-100.
The input range is specified in milliamps for 4-20 mA
inputs or volts for 0-10 V inputs. Units are not
specified for the output range. Setting the output
range to be equal to the input range results in no
scaling. The default values for both input and output
are a low value of 4 and a high value of 20.
For modes supporting analog input.
Filter Samples
Used to smooth a noisy signal. Specifies the number
of samples to average.
Enter zero for no averaging.
Enter 2-64 to specify number of samples.
For modes supporting analog input.
Table 4-1 OSA Remote Configurable Parameters
Parameter Name