OSA Remote Operation
Chapter 2
Bedrock Secure OSA Remote User Manual - BRDOC020_001
dual-mode IP stack
OPC UA for connection to external devices
customer-specific OPC UA security keys for increased security (see
Customer-specific OPC UA
Security Keys
Bedrock Automation provides customers with the option of ordering OSA
Remotes with OPC UA certificates for increased security. The OPC UA
certificates are standard X.509 certificates with required OPC UA fields and
must be issued by the Bedrock Certificate Authority. Customer-specific security
certificates can be added to OSA Remotes already in the field using the Bedrock
Upgrade Utility. The OPC UA communication protocol is required for
application software to securely communicate with OSA Remotes using
customer-specific security certificates. As a result, the Bedrock IDE and any
additional OPC UA client software must also be updated with the appropriate
security certificates.
An OPC UA server certificate is required to be loaded onto any OSA Remote
that is being upgraded. A separate client certificate is required for any OPC UA
client software to be able to connect to a OSA Remote that is configured with
customer-specific security certificates. OPC UA client certificates are specific to
each OPC UA client application.
Contact Bedrock Automation for guidance on upgrading OSA Remotes and
configuring software with customer-specific security certificates. For OSA
Remotes, you will need to provide the OSA Remote name or IPv4 address.
OSA Remote names must start with a letter and contain only letters and
numbers without dashes or underscores. Any changes to information that is
embedded in the certificate, e.g., OSA Remote name or IPv4 address, will
require a new OPC UA server certificate.
Part numbers for ordering the firmware upgrade for customer-specific security
certificates for OSA Remotes are listed in Table A-1.
See the Bedrock IDE online help for information on the Bedrock Upgrade
Secure OPC UA Configuration
Secure OPC UA is configured using parameters in the Bedrock IDE. The
parameters can be accessed by opening an OSA Remote editor and selecting the
OPC UA Security Parameters tab. The parameters are shown in Figure 2-1 and
described in Table 2-1.