* This symbol is a commercial designation/registered trademark of a company which is not part of the BEGO company group.
Pictures and illustrations are exemplary. Colors, symbols, design, and information on the labels and/or packaging shown may differ from reality.
7. Post-Processing
Install the Anycubic* Wash&Cure according to the manufacturer's
instructions (see instructions for use).
Cleaning: 8 minutes in ethanol bath
Activate the washing function of the device and set a washing time
of 8 minutes. After the cleaning cycle, any possible resin residues
on the object can be removed using an ethanol-filled spray bottle
or a brush.
Post exposure: 2 × 20 minutes
Optional: If you do not have an Anycubic Wash&Cure, cleaning
and post-exposure of 3D-printed models from VarseoWax Model is
also possible with other devices validated by BEGO. An overview of
compatible 3D printing system components can be found on the
BEGO website:
BEGO 3D Printing – Compatibility Overview