H9MO-1641S User Guide V2.2
- P.
priority clock will be shown. In the middle of the lower portion, it defines the clock mode of the external
input and output clock (line clock is not included). On the right, you can select the internal or external
clock as the system clock.
Figure 5.4 System clock setting
When clicking on the ‘Operation Mode’, the window for the operation mode of OLT-A is shown as
shown in figure 5.5. The upper part defines the optical interface protection. The middle and lower part
defines the optical path and system operation mode. Depending on the number of optical interfaces
you can define the optical path as single; dual or tri-path. When the internal clock is used,’ Terminal’
mode should be used. When ‘ADM’ mode is used the external clock setting should be selected. The
‘Query’ button is used to check the current status of the system.