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a sealed environment around the nozzle .only can use the soft material which has no harm to the
nozzle and also do no destroy to the surface
Mop up cleaning
Mop up cleaning including that use one piece (sh<40) to mop up the nozzle board .mop up cleaning
can drive the desiccated fibrin which can’t purge by printing cleaning .but it is possible to bring the
new contamination to other spout mop up cleaning should move to one position, keep the waste to the
one side .if move both sides, these waste will pileup and attached to the nozzle board. In order to avoid
polluted again, the best position is moving orthogonal to the spout. The angularity case of the piece
can course some operating problems, but you can choose a better angle.
After mopping up every time, you should put this mop piece to the mat which is renewable and
absorbent to clean. in order to avoid that mop piece destroying the nozzle board, mustn’t mop when
it is dry, usually before mopping you should do printing cleaning.
Vacuum mopping for cleaning
This way for maintenance print head has two main functions:
Drive the more printing ink on the nozzle board.
drive the infectant on the nozzle board
when the mop tube moving in the short distance, when through the nozzle board and spout line nearly,
please notice that cannot touching the nozzle board. Mop tube is a thin tube, connected to the vacuum,
so the ink can be absorbed along the nozzle board.
Mat for sucking ink
When print with some kind of ink, may be you will need some maintenance named “Suck out Ink”.
The suck mat can be exoteric, and is cloth or sponge which is capable to suck liquid. Please note to
protect the coating of the nozzle plate please do not mop up breadth wise.
The suction cloth or sponge should only touch the coating of the nozzle plate, but do not touch the
head place. It is better to suck the remaining ink after print heads extrusion and spray cleaning by this
It is better to use this way of maintenance on the Non-Soakage Coating print heads nozzle plate.
Because it is hard to contrl the ink distributing on the head nozzle plate after filter absorbing.
After mopping up every time, you should put this mop piece to the mat which is renewable and
absorbent to clean. in order to avoid that mop piece destroying the nozzle plate, mustn’t mop when it
is dry, usually before mopping you should do printing cleaning.