Section J.
Storing tractor
Belarus 510/512 Operating manual
Section J.
Store tractors as per recommendations of
GOST 7751-85 indoors or under shed.
When no closed room is available, trac-
tors can be stored on open equipped are-
as subject to mandatory works for preser-
vation, sealing and removing parts that re-
quire warehousing.
Put the tractors to storage between shifts
if a break in operation is up to 10 days, to
short-time storage if the idle period is 10
days to two months and to long-time stor-
age if the idle period exceeds two months.
Prepare to short-time storage after com-
pletion of works and to long-time storage
no later than 10 days after completion of
works. Before putting to storage, check
condition of the tractor. The tractor must
undergo the scheduled maintenance ser-
Maintenance during preparation to
long-time storage includes:
- cleaning and washing, removing from
the tractor and preparing to storage of
parts that must be stored in specially
equipped warehouses; sealing holes,
cavities to prevent moisture, dust;
preservation of the tractor, its parts;
putting the tractors on supports
After operation, the tractor is cleaned of
dust, dirt, oil leaks, plant and other re-
mains.Parts, to which no water is allowed
(generators, relay switches etc.), are pro-
tected with protective casings. After clean-
ing and washing, the tractors are blown
with compressed air to remove moisture.
Damaged paint is restored by applying
pain or protective grease.
Paint as per GOST 6572-91.
In case of long-time storage of the tractors
outdoors, electric equipment, parts of rub-
ber, plastics materials from textile (hoses
of hydraulic systems etc.), tools are re-
moved and put to storage. Parts fastening
the removed parts of the tractor are in-
stalled to their places. The electric equip-
ment (headlights, alternator, starter, batter-
ies) are cleaned, blown with compressed
air, the terminals are covered with protec-
tive grease.
When preparing the tractor to long-time
storage, clean from scale and wash the
engine cooling system, lubricate all tractor
parts according to the lubrication table.
Drain the oil and add fresh oil with adding
an additive to the require oil quantity to
the control level to the engine crankcase,
the air cleaner tray, the housings of the
gearbox and rear and front axles, the
wheel reduction gear, the intermediate
support, to the hydraulic system oil tank.
Run the tractor for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain
the coolant from the cooling system, the
cab heating and air cooling system. Drain
fuel from the fuel system, rinse the inner
surfaces of the tanks with inhibiting lubri-
cant and tightly close the filler neck. Carry
out preservation of the fuel system and
engine cylinders with rust-preventing
agent. Put the batteries to long-time stor-
age after carrying out the check and condi-
tioning cycle as per GOST 9590-76. Pre-
serve the open joints, bolted and threaded
connections of the hitch mechanism,
steering linkage, spline surfaces of the
PTO shank, extended parts of cylinder and
shock absorber rods, mechanisms adjust-
ing the front and rear wheel track. Using
covers, polyethylene film bags or other
special devices, tightly close the fuel tank