Analog Signaling
2-Tone Signaling
2-Ton e Contact
While users set 2-Tone signaling type for the current channel, the 2-tone contact supports a
maximum of 32 2-Tone call list, on the menu of 2-Tone contact, you can select one of the contacts
to send.
Send 2-Tone Signaling
On analog channel, press the programmed “one touch call” key to send 2-tone signaling, the
radio display:”Two tone signaling sending”, if sent success, the displays: signal sent.
Receive 2-Tone Signaling
Allow the user define the call type of the 2-tone system as “Alert Call”, “Alert Call with
Voice”, or “Select Call”. While received signaling and match with decode format, the radio displays
the call type and an alert tone will sound.
5-Tone Signaling
5-Tone Contact
While users set 5-Tone signaling type for the current channel, the 5-tone contact supports a
maximum of 200 5-Tone call list, on the menu of 5-Tone contact, you can select one of the contacts
to replace the address code of decoding sequence and encoding sequence.
Send 5-Tone Signaling
On analog channel, press the programmed “one touch call” key to send 5-tone signaling, the
radio display:”Five tone signaling sending”, If checked the “Expect Reply” via the programming
software, the call is deemed successful if ACK is received from the other party; if uncheck the
“Expect Reply” via the programming software, A transmission is deemed successful after signaling
is transmitted, no matter whether the other party receives it or not.
Receive 5-Tone Signaling
Allow the user define the call type of the 5-tone system as “Common Call”, “Emergency Call”,