MAP/100 New System Installation
Issue 3.0
June 1997
Verifying System Status
Page 5-23
Backing up the I
2. Enter
The system displays the following message:
Checking the system run level: Please wait
The system is in single user mode: Continuing
The following are approximate tape counts required for
this backup for various tape drive sizes
150 Mbyte drive:
X tape(s)
320 Mbyte drive:
X tape(s)
525 Mbyte drive:
X tape(s)
1.2 Gbyte drive:
X tape(s)
2.0 Gbyte drive:
X tape(s)
Be sure to number the cartridge tapes consecutively in
the order they will be inserted.
Label the tapes ‘CONVERSANT Image Tape x’ where x
indicates the insertion sequence. Also include the
current date.
Note: Very large files, such as database files, take
several minutes to backup. During this time you will
not see any progress reported to the console. If the
tape drive is running and the system disk light is
flashing, the operation is in progress.
Please insert the first tape now. Press ‘ENTER’ to
start image tape creation.
3. Label the appropriate number of cartridge tapes.
Label the tapes
CONVERSANT Image Tape x,
where x indicates the
insertion sequence. Include the current date on the label.
4. Insert the cartridge tape labeled “CONVERSANT Image Tape 1” into the
cartridge tape drive.
5. Press .
The system takes approximately 30 minutes to load the information onto
one cartridge tape.
If your system backup requires more than one cartridge tape, the system
displays the following message:
End of medium on output
Change to part 2 and press RETURN key. (q)
If your backup requires more than one tape, complete Steps
a. Remove the cartridge tape labeled “CONVERSANT Image Tape 1”
from the cartridge tape drive.
b. Insert the cartridge tape labeled “CONVERSANT Image Tape 2”
into the cartridge tape drive.