Maintenance and cleaning
Earwax (cerumen) can accumulate in and on the earmould during
use. Therefore, clean your earmould regularly. Failure to do so can
lead to an accumulation of earwax, impairing sound quality.
Keep your hearing instrument clean and dry. Wipe the case with
a soft cloth or tissue after use to remove grease or moisture. You
should avoid exposing your instrument directly to moisture such as
rain or water from the shower. If your instrument does get wet or if it
has been exposed to high humidity or perspiration, it should be left
to dry out overnight with the battery out and the battery compart-
ment open. It is also a good idea to put them in a sealed container
together with a drying agent (dessicator) overnight. Consult your
hearing care professional as to which drying agent to use.
Storing your instrument
When you are not using your instrument, keep or transport it in the
box supplied. Leave the battery door open. Keep your instrument
in a dry place, not in a bathroom or other humid place. Alternatively,
you could store the instrument in a dessicator available from your
hearing care practitioner.