4.8 Sound configuration:
#SSSS#3desired attempts
in three digits* M2: enter
#XXXX#3desired attempts
in three digits*
(The number entered (‘k’) is represent the frequency of the sound with follow formula F =
1/ (k * 4)
* 10^6.
For example for ‘k’ as 062, the frequency of the sound is 4032 Hz.
4.9 Deregister the system card (Configure the smart card without take down the SHDL from the door)
#XXXX#94* or #SSSS#94*
(Only delete the system card, no effect on other setting. Then the first card used on the SHDL which will be
promote to the new system card. The new card could be used to manage the other cards.
V. Card configuration
5.1 System and administrator card configuration (For administrator)
4.1.1 When there is not card register in the system. The first card has been detected will be the system
card. In the meanwhile the blue LED light on SHDL body will blink rapidly, the cards are registered
during this period will automatically become the administrator cards (There will be only maximum 3
admin cards). Once the configuration is successful, the buzzer in SHDL will change tone of sound; the
buzzer will sound once if a card is registered.
5.2 E card and F card setting (For user)
After set up the System Card and Admin Card, the blue led will be blinking slowly and the card register function
in SHDL will be activated each time if there is system card and admin card has been swiped. In this case, the
first card to be registered will become an E card, then following card to be register will then become F cards
(there will be 100 F cards allowed).
During card register function, if the swipe the admin card once again, the system will then enter deregister card
function and the LED will blinking slowly. (The admin can swipe their card to toggle the function between
register and deregister function). Swipe any register user card will be deregistered. Swiping an unregister card,
admin card or system card will trigger the alert for error with one single beep from the buzzer.
VI. Card Operation Modes