Press the lower button. The "dosage mode" setting is now checked. Press the middle button
to activate this setting. You will now see that the dosing mode Prop (= proportional) or Cont
(continuous) is selected. Press the middle button again. In the salt electrolysis dosing mode,
you can choose between Salt Time or Salt Rx.
In salt electrolysis, do not use the dosing modes Continuous and
Explanation of the dosing method for salt :
In salt electrolysis, the addition of chemicals such as anti-algae, wall-cleaner, flocculant, etc.
sometimes causes the redox to become unmeasurable. In most cases the redox will drop to
very low values, while the chlorine content is correct. This deviation is temporary, but can
last for several weeks. At this point it is advisable to use the "Salt Time" dosing method.
Under normal circumstances you should use the "salt RX" dosing method.
Option 1: Salt Rx
- The sequence is:
Meeting values pool water 40 sec
Chlorination via electrolysis 4 min
pH dosage 1 min (if setpoint is not reached)
Back measuring values swimming pool water 40 sec.