Code erasing
After typing key 4, the erasing phase of the
code is entered, indicated by 2 beeps followed
by an interval.
- Type in the code to be erased and press
ENTER. Three beeps, followed by an interval,
confirm the operation.
If the erased code is a Father code, all corre-
sponding Child codes will be erased.
Specification of scalar counter
This function is not usable with Father codes.
After typing key 5, the specification of the
scalar counter is entered, indicated by 2 beeps
followed by an interval.
- Type in the Child code to which a scalar
counter should be matched. Then press
ENTER. If the code is actually present, three
beeps, followed by an interval are heard.
The following phase is entered in which the
counter value is specified.
- Digit a number between 1 and 999 and press
When new codes are typed in, the matched
counter is then decreased.
When the counter reaches zero, the matched
code is removed from memory.
Operation configuration
Through the Menu the following is possible:
- Activate or deactivate the buzzer.
- Switch the back light on and off.
- Activate or deactivate the auto switch-off.
The fabric configuration presets that all three
functions be activated.
After typing key 6, the password is required to
have access to advanced functions.
The password to have access to the advanced
functions is 654321 and it is not customiz-
Press 6, two beeps are heard, press 654321,
three beeps are heard followed by an interval,
one of the following sequences are required
by the device:
- 1 (4 beeps) >1> (2 beeps)
if the acoustic indicator is to be activated
- 1 (4 beeps) >0> (2 beeps)
if the acoustic indicator is to be deactivated
- 2 (4 beeps) >1> (2 beeps)
if the back light is to be activated
- 2 (4 beeps) >0> (2 beeps)
if the back light is to be deactivated
- 3 (4 beeps) >1> (2 beeps)
if the “always lit-up” function is to be activated
- 3 (4 beeps) >0> (2 beeps)
if the “always lit-up” function is to be activated
*To be activated only if the device is powered
by an external source. The device is always
activated and does not require any button to
be pressed.
Operation as proximity switch
By activating this function, the keypad sends a
radio control also when the system is activated
(first touch).
This might be useful, for example, to activate
a courtesy light in the keypad area.
Around 2 seconds are needed for this function
at every activation of the device. During this
period of time it is not possible to type any
access codes.
After typing key 7, the function activation phase
is entered, indicated with 2 beeps followed by
an interval.
In the factory configuration this function is
- Type in 1
if the function is to be activated
- Type in 0
if the function is to be deactivated.
If 1 is typed in, three beeps followed by an in-
terval are heard. The device awaits for the com-
mand to specify the coding type of the code
which will be transmitted when the BE.TOUCH
is activated.
- Type 1>(2 beeps)
if a Rolling-Code is desired.
- Type 2>(2 beeps)
if an Advanced rolling code (ARC) is desired.
- Type 3>(2 beeps)
if a Fixed Code is desired.
To check the coding type
If allows to check the type of radio coding re-
lated to a determined code stored in memory.
After typing key 8, two beeps followed by an