Remove the “TonU” parameter, leaving the “##” characters, to activate the output by SMS as programmed.
(example: #9876#HOUSELIGHT=ON##)
caller identification
: in this case the output is activated at “cost-free” as the Communicator, after identifying
the caller, rejects the call and activates the output.
Monostable OC outputs deactivate (switch OFF) automatically when the programmed ON Time expires.
The default User code is ‘0001’; if you wish to change it, please refer to the section “Remote programming->Changing
the User code”.
In addition to the processes described in the section
Remote activation and deactivation of the outputs
, it is also
possible to carry out other remote procedures through the transmission of various SMS messages.
Changing the user code
The default user code is ‘
’; to change it, send an SMS message consisting of the characters “
” followed by the
User code
and the new
User code
between * characters, in accordance with the following formula:
#CUC*User code*New User code*
The User code may only consist of numbers from 0 to 9 (maximum 4 digits).
Web service
The Web service can be enabled using the BGSM-120 Console software (please refer to section
Programming via PC-
>GPRS->Web service
), or by sending an SMS message consisting of the characters “
” followed by the
User code
and “
” between * characters, in accordance with the following formula:
#UWS*User code*ON*
To disable the Web service, send the following SMS message:
#UWS*User code*OFF*
Changing the Installer code
The Installer code (maximum 4 numeric characters) is used in the event that the Web service needs to be accessed (see
Programming via PC->Codes->Installer code
). The default istaller code is ‘
’; to change it, send an SMS
message consisting of the characters “
” followed by the old
Installer code
and the new
Installer code
between *
characters, in accordance with the following formula:
#CIC*Installer code*New installer code*
The Installer code may only consist of numbers from 0 to 9 (maximum 4 digits).
Credit balance check
To find out the credit balance via SMS, you can either use the BGSM-120 Console software (see section
Programming via
PC->Options->Pay As You Go
), or you can find out remotely by sending an SMS message consisting of the characters
” followed by the * character, in accordance with the following formula:
The pre-paid SIM CARD credit management service may be suspended at any time, at the discretion of each
individual GSM network operator.